Certain sounds move into a loving whisper. They have the agility, and ability, to capture the minds, bodies, and Spirits of other people. Love has that euphoria about it. Love comes through as a gentle nectar, which sweetens the atmosphere. When it moves through different periods of one’s life, there are ways of appreciating its elegant aura.
Gentility and love go hand-in-handy. Furthermore, there are ways of comprehending and sensing just how well, a woman is truly being, loved! When a woman, is in her true element, a person is able to observe her femininity, blossom! She feels calm, relaxed, and in tune with the atmosphere, surrounding her. Love should feel like the smooth traces of silk. One should feel safeguarded, comforted, and blessed within one’s own skin. Love simply has that ability.
The sounds of love are akin to the wind. Have you ever sat outside and experienced the cool breeze of love’s nectar? It’s a fascinating experience. Furthermore, there is a wealth of meditation and reflection, as it pertains to, love!
There are particular songs, when it comes to narrating the smooth, caramel decor of love’s bliss. It simply feels like one’s heart has been wrapped around with a spiritual velvet. Whatever pains have been experienced in the past, they quietly, melt away. Such is a cheerful expression of love’s purpose. Gentility is key! The softness of one’s tender dedication, when it comes to love, has a way in making one believe in love, again-even when one’s heart has been broken. Even when one has yet to believe in love, ever again!
Back to the elegance of Black American music, and her herstory, at hand! We have those gardens queens, who have demonstrated the beauties of our musical culture; having performed them, well. There is one song, which speaks upon the holistic vibes and gentility of sound. Our tones, and how we convey them to people, moves through a unique truth! Love has the power, and agility, to soften the most hard of hearts. With the right rhythm, beat, and vibes, the residue of pain, quietly melts, away! Gentility removes traces of heartache; making laughter, for each and every day!