
Why Is My Husband Yelling at Me?

You might find yourself feeling stuck, lonely, and helpless. When your husband yells at you, it can feel scary and alone. The fact you are reading this means you are looking for help and support to make things better, and that is a good sign. You say to yourself ‘Why is my husband yelling at me?’…


Inside Out 2 and Emotion Coaching

If I could go back in time, I would relive my adolescence…(said nobody ever).  Can you imagine? Reliving those awkward years where your teeth don’t quite fit your face, your skin betrays you, and your prefrontal cortex is far from fully developed? No thanks. If you watched Disney Pixar’s “Inside Out”, which aired in 2015,…


Getting Parents on the Same Page

Differences in a relationship are often seen as something negative, but they actually can serve a great purpose. They can deepen our empathy, respect, communication skills, and our resolve. Dr. John Gottman, co-founder of The Gottman Institute and author of many books on love, marriage, and relationships, says that we grow in our relationships by…


Men’s Tears: From Odysseus to Modern Day

In Homer’s Odyssey, composed around the 8th century BCE, we encounter the quintessential masculine hero, Odysseus. A decorated veteran of the Trojan War, he finds himself “imprisoned” in luxury on Calypso’s island. Despite the material comforts surrounding him, Odysseus is inconsolable, weeping as he longs for his wife and son. Fast forward to the 21st…


5 Tips to Improve Sex (from a Sex Therapist)

Couples, like Dave and Tina, seek out sex therapy because both partners are frustrated with their sexual dynamics. Dave complains about the little sexual connection they have, and Tina fires back that she’s too exhausted. Dave gets frustrated, and Tina shuts down. Like Groundhog Day, the same conversation happens again a few weeks later. Sexual…


Setting Boundaries With Others

In the simplest sense, a boundary separates one thing from another. A fence is a boundary between two properties; our skin is the boundary between our organs and the outside world. A boundary is the line where one thing ends, and another begins. When we set a boundary with another person, we create some sort…


Authenticity in Relationships

‘In insecure relationships, we disguise our vulnerabilities so our partner never really sees us.’ Dr. Sue Johnson Will you be there for me? According to Dr. Sue Johnson, founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), most arguments in relationships are protests over emotional disconnection. Underneath the fights, partners are wondering: Are you there for me? Can…