Thrive Today is the engine that powers Thrive’s behavior change coach in your pocket. It provides users with interactive daily content experiences and personalized recommendations across our product offerings (Reset, Challenges, Learn), helping users build and sustain healthy habits across six Journeys: Recharge, Food, Move, Focus, Money, and Connect.
Today Features:
Microsteps — Small, science-backed steps you can take to build habits that significantly improve your life. Commit to Microsteps, track your progress, and celebrate every small win.
Expert Wisdom — Inspiring, authentic stories from high-performing people in a range of fields who are changing the way we work and live, from business leaders to champion athletes.
Peer Inspiration — There’s something especially powerful about hearing the stories of our peers — the challenges they’re facing and the changes they’re making, one Microstep at a time. Role model stories inspire others, create a network effect, and give cultural permission. Because when people see their peers prioritizing their own-well being, they’re far more likely to get on board.