
How are you?

Oh hey!  How are you? Good?  Great?  Ok?  Grand? How am I? Not bad thanks. Have a good day! You too! Does that conversation sound familiar to you?  You probably have a similar exchange every time you go to the supermarket, bump into someone you know on the street or greet your colleagues in the…


Being Blue is the Key to Longevity

According to the Oxford Dictionary, being blue means ‘having a feeling of melancholy, sadness or depression’. The Blues is also a melancholic music form developed in rural southern America toward the end of the 19th century, but what you probably didn’t know is it’s also a set of principals that helps people live longer. That’s…


How To Unlock Potential

Don’t have time to read the entire post now? Watch this video with the summary. The shadow of a leader is indeed long and strong. It covers much more than his or her direct reports or people close to them. What the leader thinks of his or her followers predicts their behavior. If a leader…


Quick Note Poetry: George W. Weston

Poetic Reflections Of The Late GEORGE W. WESTON, and His Recording Of, “Hold Still, Baby!” The Thrive Global Community welcomes voices from many spheres on our open platform. We publish pieces as written by outside contributors with a wide range of opinions, which don’t necessarily reflect our own. Community stories are not commissioned by our…