Love, the age-old enigma
For ages, poets and writers have attempted to define love, and the endeavor has recently drawn the attention of scientists. The majority of us intuitively understand what love is, and there is a link between our way of life and what we love. Humans cannot exist without love, which is why it is critical to comprehend it.
Before we explain what love is, let us consider what it is not.
If you say things like “if you love me, do this or that,” you are not expressing love; you are expressing infatuation. Numerous individuals coerce their partners into doing things they dislike through emotional manipulation. If you do the same thing, ask yourself whether it is truly worth it. You’re attempting to alter your partner’s behavior. By compelling them to labor against their will, aren’t you eroding your bond?
If you feel compelled to perform something that is contrary to your nature, this is not true love. Yes, love requires sacrifices, but if someone asks you to change in order to be loved, it is not true love. You must love the other person just for the sake of love. Love should be unconditional and unselfish, unencumbered by constraints. You cannot state, “I will love you if this condition is met.” No! That is not the definition of love.
When there are disagreements, tempers can flare, and violence can quickly take control. If your spouse resorts to violence, it indicates that the relationship is devoid of love. If there is significant violence involved, it is advisable to part ways. Are you an individual who has been a victim of violence? You should be aware that legal assistance is available to you, and nobody should tolerate violence. Simply because you love someone does not entitle them to be abusive towards you.
While physical attraction is necessary for love, if it is not based on mutual respect, trust, and commitment, it is not love; it is desire. Lust will soon go. After a while, physical desires subside. What remains is unadulterated love. This is not the case with desire. When your physical desires subside in lust, your connection ends.
Let’s have a discussion about what love is…
All of love is about caring for and loving the other person. Regardless of the type of love discussed—love for your family, spouse, kid, or even pet—all share one characteristic: caring. When you lack concern for someone, you lack affection for them. You may believe that you love someone, but there can be no love without care.
Attraction is critical. It is not usually synonymous with sexual urges. Attraction refers to the couple’s romance. They will always have real love for each other if they share a great romantic relationship. Romance helps to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. Therefore, even if you have been in a relationship for a long period of time, make time for romance. Perhaps you might even surprise your lover and reignite the flame.
Between those who are truly in love, there is always some sort of connection. As there is an inherent bond between a mother and her kid, there is also an inherent bond between spouses. Attachment develops with time. It occurs when the greatest and the worst coexist in the same boat. You may not feel amorous all the time, but you will always feel linked. It is when you understand your spouse completely (and vice versa), and you two continue to adore one another.
Commitment is a prerequisite for love. Commitment is more than monogamy. It is the knowing that you care about your spouse and that your partner cares about you. Thus, regardless of what occurs, they will be there for you when you want assistance. When people are devoted to one another, they recognize the constraints imposed by the relationship and adhere to them.
Any relationship requires a high level of intimacy. If you want to learn about the other person, you should also express your sentiments. This results in a strong emotional connection that improves any relationship. This link gets stronger with time, and attachment becomes more intense. When a couple enjoys an intimate connection, they become more communicative and empathetic toward one another.
Without love, life is unsatisfactory. Love is critical for a healthy lifestyle. Though you may believe that a human being requires simply air, water, and food to survive, love is a critical component of survival. That is not to say you should not be in a relationship. Humans require just love and acceptance to have a healthy life. If your parents, friends, siblings, children, and pets love you, that love is sufficient for survival.