
How To Avoid Being Catfished

Being in love feels wonderful. But what isn’t as wonderful is finding out that that feeling is being used to manipulate you for financial gain. That, unfortunately, is an all-too-common occurrence when it comes to meeting and getting to know a potential romance online. You’ve heard the stories about so-called catfishing, which involves online fraudsters…


How To Date Your Partner Like A Boss

We live in an increasingly fragmented, digitally-focused world. That makes it challenging to forge real connections with your partner in the offline world. Other things can also get in the way of spending time with one another, too – kids, money worries, lack of time, or just feeling like you can’t think of anything to…


The Do’s And Don’ts Of Funeral Etiquette

While there is no “right” thing you can say to someone who just lost a family member, friend, or significant other, there is general funeral etiquette that you should follow. Knowing the basics can help prevent an embarrassing mistake when emotions are already running high. DO: Dress More Conservatively Modesty reigns during a funeral. You…