
Is Your Wife Pulling Away in the Bedroom? 19 Signs She’s No Longer Sexually Attracted to You

Has your normally passionate wife started recoiling when you initiate sex?  Does she seem distant and disinterested in being intimate with you?  If this describes your situation, you’re likely worried your wife’s sexual attraction to you is waning.  While concerning, this common issue doesn’t have to spell disaster for your marriage if addressed proactively with…


Busted! 13 Habits of a Guilty Snapchat Cheater

Your heart sinks every time your partner’s phone buzzes with a Snapchat notification.  You wonder who they’re snapping and what they’re sending back and forth on the notorious cheater’s app.  While Snapchat’s fleeting messages seem innocent on the surface, certain behaviors could point to infidelity.  Don’t ignore those sneaking suspicions – your intuition is often…