
You’ve Been Cheated On and Can’t Stop Thinking About It: 17 Ways to Stop Overthinking It

As much as being cheated on by a beloved partner is outwardly devastating, it’s the internal struggle—ruminating, overthinking, and analysis paralysis—that can be another wrecking ball in the cheating catastrophe.  Figuring out how to stop overthinking after being cheated on can lead to even more overthinking. The rumination can lead to a host of mental…


This Form Of Protein Powder Is Also A Low-Key Great Source Of Fiber

Hemp Protein 101: Pros, Cons, Shopping Tips & Healthy Ways To Use It Author: Expert reviewer: March 27, 2023 Certified holistic nutritionist By Melissa Boufounos, CHN Certified holistic nutritionist Melissa Boufounos is a certified holistic nutritionist, nutrition writer, and lifelong athlete in the greater Ottawa, Ontario, Canada area. She specializes in sports nutrition and works…