
The Importance of Giving

Mahatma Gandhi once said that “the best way to find yourself is to make sure you lose yourself in service of other people around you.” Giving back to society and supporting the needy around you could be the epitome of home for many. If you have been serving other people through your giving, it is…


Emotion Coaching and The Highly Sensitive Child

One of the most important influences on a child’s development is the quality of their relationship with their parents and other caregivers. That said, some children are more strongly affected by the caregiving environment than others.  High Sensitivity You have probably heard of temperament traits such as introversion, extroversion, and contentiousness. Did you know that…


How to Connect to your Confidence

Have you ever been in a room and someone walks in that exudes confidence? Some people are fearless and can move forward with confidence and an attitude to succeed. Others of use have difficulty stepping into our confidence. Wrestling with self-doubt, limiting beliefs, shyness or being more introverted can have us pulling back from jumping…


How to Build Relationships

It can be a challenge to build meaningful relationships, especially with the pandemic creating isolation and separation between us. You may feel lonely and withdrawn, disconnected from yourself and others. One of the best ways to help reconnect and strengthen your relationships is by opening the sacral chakra. You may not have heard of chakras…