
Discernment Counseling v. Couples Therapy

Many couples enter therapy with a shared commitment to improve their relationship. For these couples, therapy focuses on addressing issues, strengthening the connection and working collaboratively for positive change.  But what if you arrive for therapy and feel like you’re already mentally packing your bags, while your partner wants to work together to unpack them?…

social-media and-teens

Social Media and Teens

Remember MTV, and the hours of time spent in front of the television (the one in my memory still had knobs, no remote) waiting to catch that one music video you wanted to see? The VJs and their amazing style, the game shows that we may or may not have been allowed to watch, the…


How to Navigate Different Parenting Styles

Many couples experience conflict around how they raise and interact with their children. Discipline, expectations, and chores are some of the potential problem areas. If you think about it, it makes sense. You are both coming from unique childhood and family of origin experiences. You had different experiences growing up, and you may have different…


How Stress Affects Relationships

How Stress Shows Up in Relationships  Even happy couples fight – and sometimes they do it in a way that doesn’t align with their integrity or intentions. Yelling, stomping out of the room, or acting like a “stone wall” during upsetting conversations can occur with even the most loving couples. Often, after these upsetting events,…