
Dating with Anxiety

Dating is hard! Add in a pandemic and then anxiety, and it can become crippling. It can cause some people to give up and not want to even try dating anymore. But if you are seeking a relationship, it is definitely worth it! In this post, I will share some things I learned through creating…

engaged and present

Being Engaged and Present in All of Our Relationships Is Critical

What level of involvement do you have in the relationship? How involved are you in your personal relationships? What level of involvement do you have in the relationship? I’m not referring to being physically present, because that is a given. I’m referring to the fact of being cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually invested in your romantic partner.…


Managing Conflict through Friendship

It may surprise you to learn that happier couples do not argue less than unhappy couples. What distinguishes the two groups is that happy couples repair during and after a fight, whereas in unhappy relationships, partners tend to escalate negativity by using criticism, contempt, defensive, and stonewalling (The Four Horsemen). Repairs are ways to tap…