
How to Look After Your Mental Health Post COVID

Who could have ever imagined a complete global shutdown to avoid the extinction of the entire human race? Nevertheless, as unfathomable as it was, it actually happened! And more than likely, if you happen to be reading this article, wherever you may have been on planet earth during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic,…


How to Develop a Growth Mindset for Business Growth

“Growth mindset” seems to be a phrase on every business leader’s mind these days, popping up everywhere from Twitter feeds to official management initiatives. But despite its ubiquitousness, it seems that a lot of people misunderstand the true meaning of a growth mindset, and what growth mindset in business means. Growth Mindset in Business Author…


How To Trust People Again If You’ve Been Hurt

When you’ve been betrayed by someone you love or care about, learning to trust them again—if you’d even want to—takes time and effort from both parties. While safeguarding yourself and your emotions might seem like the right decision after you’ve been hurt, not being able to trust can stir up hurt in other important relationships…