Meeting An Accidental Date

So how many times, or have you ever been in the supermarket, out doing grocery shopping or just making a stop at a shopping plaza and someone comes up and starts small talk? The conversation is light and friendly, and then the question is asked, “So, are you single?” And then you know where the…

10 Ways To Know If You Are You a Good Date

So many single people today ask themselves why they’re single. They wonder why they don’t have a steady relationship in their lives and, many times, they don’t understand why they’re not asked out more often than they are. Before you start talking about why there’s something wrong with everyone because they just don’t seem to…

Beautiful and Alone

Many times you may remember seeing absolutely gorgeous women sitting Beautiful and Alone in a bar. You may have known physically flawless women that rarely had a date on the weekends. While it may not make sense, it’s definitely true that many beautiful women spend a large portion of their lives alone. Once you dig…

5 Important Details Developing Rapport

5 Important Details In Developing Rapport: In a nutshell, what it takes is to ask questions, have a positive, open attitude, encourage an open exchange of communications (both verbal and unspoken), listen to verbal and unspoken communications and share positive feedback. Here are important details on each step in developing rapport: 1. Ask Questions In…

A New Dating Direction

A New Dating Direction Integrating two lives in any environment is at best a challenge. Integrating two lives that are in separate turmoil, on separate paths, and with separate ideas about life does not a magically make a happy existence. Relationships are constant work. However, dating is the lightest level of being in a relationship…

How to Act on a First Date

How to Act on a First Date Usually by the time you have a First Date you have either already met someplace, or have at least talked on the phone or over the internet, and there should at least be some amount of interest in each other or why would you have agreed to the…