
Why Delegation Is Important in Leadership

In entrepreneurial circles, there’s always plenty of talk about leadership. People can’t get enough of talking about what leadership is, who’s got a natural talent for it, and how valuable it is. That’s not all. People also love to debate which qualities and skills matter most in a leader. For evidence, look no further than…


What Makes an Authentic Leader? 5 Examples

Being able to manage your time most appropriately is something best done as early as possible. The earlier in life that you start, the better such skills will stick with you. Mastering these time management hacks earlier in life sets you up for success for the rest of your life. If you have not developed…


#1 Thing Men Find Beautiful in a Woman

Are you dreading watching this video because beautiful is not a word you’d ever use to describe yourself? What’s Adam going to say men find beautiful? Youth? A glowing tan? Someone who has the same body proportions as barbie? None of the above. So, what’s the number one thing that men find beautiful in women?…