Dating Someone Who has Been Cheated On

Someone Who Has Been Cheated On? You’ve found someone! Congratulations! You’ve managed to wade the maze of humanity and find that special someone of your dreams. However, it’s not all sunshine and roses. After awhile, your significant other admits to you that he or she has been cheated on. After sharing your condolences, you might…

Drugs and Dating: The Hard Truth

Drugs and Dating The start of a relationship is usually thrilling, exciting and fun. It is coupled with a rush that quickens one’s pulse rate. The deeper we dive into relationships, the more we loose this rare kind of high. As a result, many couples are looking for avenues of spicing up their relationships to…

How Dating Has Gotten Weird

Dating sucks. Now more than ever, it’s getting pretty weird. Today 1 out of every 3 marriages originate online, but is that necessarily a good thing? While the goal of technology and online interactions is to bring us closer together, could it actually be pulling us further apart? Online dating is a relatively new phenomenon…

Are You A Good Date?

Have you ever wondered why you are still single in a world with billions of men? Gone are the days when there were no means of communication available to people for their personal use. Today, there is no dearth of opportunities, provided you know how to use them. Before you start blaming the world and…