love the antidote

Love Is The Only Antidote for Suffering

Love always triumphs In the relationship between God and humans, love is the connecting energy. If that connection is established, the fact of the unity of all beings becomes a reality. As a result, love triumphs over all forms of anger and other unpleasant emotions. We bring about peace wherever we send love to others.…


How To Build Muscle Fast: 9 Science-Backed Ways

⌄ Scroll down to continue ⌄ Wondering how to build muscle fast when your schedule is already packed? Building muscle takes time and effort, but there are science-backed ways to make building muscle faster without having to live in the gym. To build muscle fast, you will need a science-backed workout plan and a nutrition…


5 Ways Essential For Leading Change

Change is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean it will always be easy. Humans are resilient, but we’re also resistant to change. We’re wired that way, which is why change can be so intimidating, scary, and challenging. Our brains are plastic, malleable, and fertile for quickly learning vast amounts of information when we’re young. But as…


#1 Thing Men Look For in a Wife

What is the number one thing men are looking for in a long-term partner? What makes a man decide he wants a woman to be his wife, his ride or die, his better half? Is it the perfect bod? A domestic Goddess? Sex on tap? No, no, and no. While us guys have a reputation…