
Sustainable Selfcare

The Change In Seasons… I love this time of year! As the leaves change- we too experience changes. Aging gracefully; time waits for no one. Thrive Global invites voices from many spheres to share their perspectives on our Community platform. Community stories are not commissioned by our editorial team, and opinions expressed by Community contributors…


Strategies for Supporting Recovery

Addiction is a chronic, progressive disease that usually gets worse without some form of intervention and treatment. Although families cannot control or cure their loved one’s disease—the impetus for that change must come from somewhere within the addicted individual—families can create a recovery­ oriented base of support that promotes the addict’s willingness to get help.…


Sometimes Quitting Is Okay

As young children, we’re taught to never give up and to never stop fighting. But is that really healthy? Yes, be determined. Yes, always strive for the moon. Yes, dust yourself off and get back up. When is enough actually enough? When is more categorized as selfish? Three years ago I walked into the doctor’s…