
How to Get Rid of Distracting Thoughts Fast

Ever found yourself trying to work, but your mind is all over the place? Maybe you’re battling with the upcoming presentation or dwelling on a misstep in a recent meeting, and these thoughts are just eating away at your productivity. Or perhaps you’re lying in bed, eyes wide open, desperately wanting to sleep, but the…


How to Snap Out of Procrastination With ADHD

ADHD is more than just a buzzword. It’s a real, brain-based condition that affects millions of kids and adults alike. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that a substantial 9.4% of children have been officially diagnosed with ADHD.[1] The reality doesn’t stop at adolescence. According to the National Institute of Mental Health,…


Are Depression And Procrastination Connected?

Mental health and productivity, two cornerstones of a balanced life, often play tug of war. When one falters, the other seems to stumble too. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), the heavyweight champion in the ring of mental disorders, affects a huge chunk of the population. Estimates tell us it’s touched as many as 13.5-21.2% of us…


Studies Say A Few Minutes Of This Per Day Could Help You Stress Less — So We Tried It

Ice Barrel Review: What Our Tester Loved & Didn’t Love About This Cold Plunge Tub Author: Medical reviewer: June 29, 2023 Contributor By Caitlyn Martyn Contributor Caitlyn Martyn is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Byrdie, InStyle, Popsugar and more. Medical review by Scott Nass, M.D., MPA, FAAFP, AAHIVS Board-certified Family Physician Scott…